The National Air Traffic Controllers Association Store ( takes your privacy very seriously. We do not sell, share or rent any personally identifiable information about you. If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please e-mail [email protected].
Anonymous vs. Personally Identifiable Information
Information collected online is often defined as being either anonymous or personally identifiable. Anonymous information is information that cannot be tied to a specific individual. For example, we might know that 25,000 people visited in a month, which is “anonymous” information, but we do not know information such as the names or addresses of the visitors. Personally identifiable information is information that tells us specific information about a user. For example, if you provided your name and home address to us, that would be personally identifiable information.
Personally Identifiable Information
In some areas of this Web site we ask for voluntary contact information. For example, if you wish to get more information or have questions about the site, you click on “Contact Us” in the NATCA Store home page. You must include a valid email address and contact number if you desire a response. If you prefer to contact us via U.S. postal mail, telephone or fax, please use the following contact information:
1325 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 800-266 0895
Fax: (202) 628-9558.
Correcting or Deleting Submitted Information
If you feel any information you submitted is incorrect, or if you wish to have us delete any submitted information, please e-mail Customer Service at [email protected].
Submitted Artwork:
Logos must be in full compliance with laws governing copyrights and trademarks, and the rules of NATCA for trademark/logo compliance. For a complete and detailed summary of rules, please refer to .You will need to use your issued username and password to access the site before obtaining the information.